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This is not terribly original, but: Success is the end result of overcoming Failures. 


Rarely, if ever, one achieves his/ her goal in the first instance. Even if, seemingly, someone accomplishes a target at first attempt, there is a lot of hard work and preparation that has gone into it that the others don't get to see. 

Achieving success is a process and inevitably one encounters disappointments and faces failures along the way. Each failure teaches you something and each disappointment that you overcome, makes you stronger. The whole game is about learning from failures and pushing away disappointments. Do that....and success is guaranteed. 

Have the mental strength....failure is the biggest motivator. And quite the contrary, fear of failure is the biggest hindrance to success. Nothing comes easy in life....there are no shortcuts in life. Be fearless. As long as YOU know that you've given it your 100%, and maybe some more, then there is no shame in failure. 

I, for one, have been guilty on multiple occasions of taking the easy way out. Once you think of quitting, you can convince your mind and come up with the most ingenuous of excuses to do so. A lot of long distance running and endurance events happen in the mind. You have to trick your more step, one more mile, one more loop, one more hour!! One could read the writings of famous runners or listen to motivational speakers, but for me my 2 running buddies are the best motivators and shining examples of mental strength. They just DO NOT KNOW how or when to quit. In the process they drag me along....I am learning from them, learning to succeed. 

Go for it...Just do it.


  1. सबको सक्सेस पसंद है

    But don't run after it

    As geeta said

    तू कर्म कर फल की इच्छा मत कर

    कर्म का फल तो मिलना ही है

    आज नहीं तो कल

  2. Hard work and mental strength are definitely required for success but knowing when to stop is also an invaluable attribute!
    In the pursuit of success, doggedness and not backing out might seem more rewarding intuitively but occasionally prudence pays better dividends. :)

  3. It is high praise to be considered motivational by an accomplished runner like you!
    Learning from your experience and prudence while licking my wounds!

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