My ‘E theory’ of running: It’s a pot-pourri of my realizations while running, overheard conversations and comments on social media. E xercise: All children run, most youngsters run, some adults run, few elders run. As life passes on we become more mechanized, more sedentary and more out of shape. At some point in life we have an almost Eureka like moment, when the need to exercise hits us. It could be a stray comment by someone about you being out of shape, it could be looking yourself in the mirror one day and not recognising the overweight and puffed up stranger, it could be the doctor explaining your medical condition and the need to improve your lifestyle. So you decide to exercise before life passes you by….and what simpler exercise than to run?! Neither do you need any special skills nor do you need specialized equipment. Just a good pair of running shoes and appropriate clothing: you are set to reclaim good shape and good health. That’s how I ...