There are 'Morning people' and there are the 'Night birds'. The former are the early risers who like a head start and are a 'Go' while others are still in bed or just about beginning to brew their morning cuppa. Their freshness and energy levels are at their peak in the morning and so too their efficiency and productivity. The latter group revs up more slowly and pick up their energy and efficiency as the day ticks along, start hitting their straps towards the evening and get their highs at night. Similarly, in running matters there are the 'Dawn runners' and there are the 'Dusk runners'. Very obviously the former find mornings the best time to run and kickstart their day while the latter find in easier to run after the day's work is done. I too am one of those who find early mornings to be the best time to run. How early is early? Very early...if you ask me!! A run starting anytime between 0500 to 0630 hours, depending on the time of the ...