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Types of Runs

(This post should be read as a continuation of the earlier post dated 28th November 2020: Never too Late)

Once you ferret more into the world of running, one is bewildered by the different types of running workouts described😲. And as an uninitiated newbie, you thought a run was just a run....Right?! Simple.Plain.Vanilla.Run.


As you dig deeper, one starts discovering the world of Tempo runs, Progressive runs, Intervals, LSR (long slow runs), Goal pace runs, Speed repeats and what not! Is it a run or a sundae with all sorts of toppings?! 


In my book, I would place runs into only 2 categories. There are the Relaxed runs and the Effort runs. That's it. Plain Vanilla!


When starting off as a newcomer, my advise would be to run 4 days a week, 1 day of complete rest and the remaining 2 days for upper body and core workouts. To maintain good running form and stay injury free, not just strong legs are needed. One needs a strong upper body too, especially the neck, shoulders, back and core. I will leave it for the physical trainers to guide you on that or you can surf the web and learn the moves. 


As far as the running bit goes, let's uncomplicate it. Relaxed runs and Effort runs....self-explanatory really🤗. A relaxed run is just that...easy on the legs, easy on the breathing and easy on the heart. The point is to clock time and cover distance at a comfortable pace, time and distance gradually increasing over weeks and months. The effort run is one in which one puts in more effort (how smart of me, trying to explain that!😎). The effort runs demand more of your legs, lungs and heart. One can mix up things during the effort runs:  could be a short run but at a faster pace than usual, or a run up inclines (which could be hills or flyovers or parking ramps or the treadmill) or a distance significantly longer than the usual. No recommended numbers to the effort runs, but anything which gets your heart thumpin', lungs burstin' and legs hurtin'!! 

Of the 4 run days a week, I would suggest 1 effort run per week to begin with and then move up to 2 effort runs a week. The remaining run days are for relaxed runs. The effort runs should ideally be on a day when you are not stressed and maybe have an off from work that day or the next. 


That's the way I gradually made my way up. As the mental and physical conditioning got better, the relaxed runs got longer and the effort runs became more intense. 

Happy running 🏃to you👍.


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