For some like me…YES…almost a religion. Let’s explore its tenets.
1. Discipline: Come what may, step out almost daily and run. Regular sleep hours and no erratic work hours. No excuses!
2. Self-Denial: Avoid the ‘sin-foods’ fastidiously, moderate the alcohol and avoid late nights.
3. Self-improvement: Through running become a better person. More positive, healthier, more humble and more helpful.
4. Contentment: Be happy with what you have and thankful to God for giving you enough.
5. Sharing: Share your experiences, your learnings. Give back and make a difference to your family, friends, co-runners and community at large.
6. Peace and Harmony: Be at peace with yourself. Learn to be happy in other people’s happiness and achievements.
7. No ‘One Upmanship’: Be competitive without creating rivalries.
8. Acceptance: There will be others better than you. Instead of grudging them, strive to emulate them.
9. Earth is the Ultimate mother: Be more respectful of nature, more caring for the environment.
I am sure there is more to it. Feel free to comment and add to this discussion.
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